Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How is it possible?

Marathoners are an interesting breed: dedicated, intense, full of mental and physical stamina, slightly crazy, and proud of their accomplishment. They are people who train for months on end, with 4 or 5 runs per week of varying lengths just to accomplish a goal they have laid out for themselves. They do not take 2 weeks off because that will put them behind in training. They do not go out on Friday nights during training season because they have their long runs on Saturdays. They set their alarms crazy early on Wednesday mornings before work because that is their long weekday run and it's easier to get it out of the way in the morning rather than get distracted from it in the evening. They train in all kinds of weather conditions because they never know what the weather will be on the day of the race. They buy weird things like goo, body glide, runderwear, and nipple shields to make their bodies more comfortable during runs. They get runners' highs. They self-talk when they are tired but not done with their runs. They do math in their heads to keep themselves occupied. They are strong in so many ways that I can't even describe.
This is what the start of a marathon should look like. Crazy crowds, jam packed runners, lots of cameras, lots of support, and an electric atmosphere in the air. Music in different neighborhoods, water stops, tons of funny signs, some dude who decides to run in a monkey costume, all the fun things that make the spirit of a marathon a marathon!

This is what the end of a marathon should look like. Complete joy, a massive sense of accomplishment, huge hugs, and tons of cheering in the background!!

This is the antithesis of what a marathon should be: terror, runners who needed to be intubated in an ICU due to smoke inhalation, loss of limbs due to shrapnel, not being able to leave your hotel room after the race for an amazing dinner and a well deserved beer, fear, chaos, and death.

As a wife of a previous and future marathon runner, this sickens me to my core. The spectators their are family members who have also devoted their last 4-5 months for training. The runners have just put their hearts, soles, and muscles into this run. The volunteers are mostly runners who aren't running this marathon but believe in the central purpose of running a race and dedicating oneself to something.

The bombs went of 4h and 9min after the start. This is the time when the largest majority of people finish and have families at the end. To think that someone would deliberately try to kill the most civilians as possible makes me so sad. The runners are Republicans, Democrats, Christians, Aethiests, Jews, Moms, Dads, Grandparents, Daughters, Sons. They are just everyday, normal people who were in their last few minutes of accomplishing and sharing something bigger than they were. They are runners who never got to cross their finish lines after months of training. All for what? To prove that someone could kill somebody? To put fear into American's hearts? To take away someones ability to run again? To kill someone's child?

I do not, and will never, understand why or how anyone could ever think that this was okay to do. I pray that those that were there are able to heal from this both physically and emotionally. I pray for the doctors and nurses at the Boston hospitals that they can treat all the runners and get them home soon. I pray they are able to find the person/people that executed this horrid crime against humanity. I pray that those who are training for current marathons train just a little harder this week. I pray those that love their marathoning family members allow them to continue to run and train and remember that their are mostly good people in the world. I pray for peace and kindness and mouths that spread love instead of fear and hate.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Stealing from MCW

MCW stole this from Blair's Headband and I'm stealing it from her. Enjoy, comment, steal it from me, and have a great weekend!!

1. The Basics
Who are you: AEOT
Where do you blog: Up North Preppy
How did you pick your blog’s name: I'm from the great north, and I firmly believe in all things preppy, colorful, and happy.

2. Location, location, location
Where did you grow up: The "thumb" of Michigan. Tiny town of about 2000 people. We got our second stoplight when I was in college!

Where do you live now: Grand Rapids, Michigan
Where would you live anywhere in the world: Petoskey/Harbor Springs, Michigan (which is where we would retire) (Can you tell I love my state?)(I would gladly take the month of March and move to a warm location though!!)

3. Let’s talk beauty - what is your favorite or signature:
Lipstick: Moxie by Bare Escentuals
Mascara: L'oreal Telescopic (in the gold tube)
Perfume: Eternity by Calvin Klein. My mom wears the same scent.

4. Yummies - what is your favorite:
Cocktail: Vodka soda with two limes or anything fun that contains cucumber. So refreshing!
Dessert: This is impossible to answer. I love so many! Cookies, ice cream, chocolate, brownies- yum. I don't eat store bought desserts much, if at all. Homemade is the way to go!
Pizza Topping(s): Pepperoni, green pepper and onion

5. I always have these three things in my refrigerator:
Un: Water in the britta
Deux: Mustard (at least 4 or 5 different kinds)
Trois: Carrots

6. Get artsy - what is your favorite:
Movie: The Sound of Music
Book: Time Travelers Wife, Memory Keepers Daughter, The Book Thief, Divergent
TV Show: Amazing Race, Top Chef, Law and Order: SVU

7. Kid stuffs - three questions about your youth:
What did you want to be when you grew up? Pediatrician
Who was your favorite teacher and why? Miss Ackerman- high school English. She was a wonderful teacher and really drew you in to the books you read in her class. I swear I can probably still take her tests on Tale of Two Cities and Scarlett Letter- they are completely ingrained in my head.
What was your worst sickness/surgery/hospital visit as a kid? I broke my leg in 6th grade. That's about it!

8. The Pretty Things - what is your:
Favorite color: Navy blue
Favorite flower: Tulips
Favorite artist (painter, photographer, etc.): Hramiec Hoffman

9. Shop ‘Til You Drop
What’s one thing you buy the most often: clothes for the boys
Do you prefer to shop online or in-store? For the boys- online, for myself- in the store. I have to try stuff on to know it's going to fit well and I have little time to get to UPS to ship stuff back if it doesn't fit
Imagine you open your own store - A children's clothing boutique that has HALF boy stuff. None of this 75/25 stuff that every store in America gets away with!!

10. Be a Hater: what are three things you would like to go away?
Ein: The constant rain/lousy weather we've had this spring
Zwei: Floral jeans- really???
Drei: Cystic Fibrosis (it would put me out of a job but I would gladly take that in order to cure all my patients!!)

11. The Final Three (x Three)
I hand you a genie - what are your three wishes?
1. Owning a cottage in Bay View
2. Time to work out 4-5 days a week
3. A 5 day Masters pass for B and I and lots and lots of fabulous outfits to go along with it. OR a weeklong trip away with B to somewhere where I can wear gorgeous sundresses and lie on a beach---ahhhhhh.

List 3 things you can see out of your window right now.
1. Rain
2. Cars on the expressway
3. Large porches on the homes in the neighborhood

Who are three people, living or dead, you would invite over for dinner?
1. Gail Simmons (of Top Chef and Food & Wine Magazine fame)
2. Jennifer Garner- seriously, I could so be BFFs with her and our kids could play in the playroom while we enjoy a glass of champagne in the kitchen
3. Pretty much any golfer on the PGA tour......Luke, Ian, Rory, Phil (only if he brings Amy), el Tigre, Oosty, Freddy, Adam, Zach, Kuch, or the "Golf Boys" (aka Hunter, Rickie, Bubba (and his darling, darling baby Caleb), and Ben) (have you seen their video?? Go here . I would pretty much be a perfect wife if this ever happened!!

Play along and let me know that you do so that I can read your story!!

Monday, April 1, 2013

A little of this and a little of that

1. Last week B had fevers, chills, body aches, just miserableness. It ended up being strep and he is now on amox for 10 days. He is finally feeling better, thank goodness! It's a huge week for choir at church with services on Thursday, Friday, and Sunday and due to his illness, he only got to sing on Sunday. He was really disappointed!

2. Our church service was great on Sunday. The choir was good, the sermon was good, the alter was beautiful (I love Easter flowers!!). Unfortunately, both my boys were squirrely and I actually had to give SYT a time out during church. We had to leave and go out to the vestibule. EMBARRASSING! But he needed it, and, as I have learned with toddler, you have to follow through or else they will continue with the bad behavior (he was throwing Peter's toys at me just b/c he was wound up for the egg hunt). He calmed down and did have a ton of fun with the egg hunt afterwards. I was not so happy that a church parishoner (an older lady we are familiar with) tried to "help" me discipline by yelling at Spence. Hello, I'm managing and I don't need your help. He was sitting in time out and she just wanted to get in on it. I'm sure she had good intentions, but it still was not appropriate.

3. I had my camera at church but there must be something wrong with my battery charger as my camera died after just a few pictures, and I had just charged the battery overnight. So, no cute pics from me. Boo. B got a few on his phone but nothing I can upload right now, so sorry!

4. West Michigan is dead right now. All the schools around here go on spring break the same week, so everything is empty! The highways are quiet, our office is like a ghost town, and my FB feed is full of sunny, warm weather, down south pictures. I am sooooo ready for sunshine and warm weather, and I am jealous of those who are experiencing it right now!

5. The next few months are crazy busy here. I'm excited as we have so much fun stuff planned. We either have visitors or are going away every weekend in April, May is the boys' birthday party (combined for both since their bdays are only 6 days apart), and in June we already have at least one weekend of travel planned as well. Then, it's SUMMER which means lots of trips up north, lots of time outside, and lots of yard work. I have a new plan for part of my backyard that will involve pretty hefty planning and lots of work over the next summer or two. B likes the idea but I'm not sure he is fully on board yet. We'll have to see if I can plant enough seeds in his head to latch on to all this.

6. Tonight I am getting my hair cut and colored. This is my 3rd attempt to keep an apt! Yikes! I'm definitely looking forward to having my hair look decent again. I wouldn't want to meet my first blogger with ugly hair now, would I!

7. My weekend starts Wednesday night this week! Seeing the bestie on Thursday and then enjoying a weekend with MCW in town. Cannot wait! Hopefully the forecast stays in the 50s!!! I need a little bit of warmth up here!

Have a wonderful Monday, everyone!!