Lots of randomness in this post
1. We found a daycare!!! It's the daycare that is associated with my work, and I walked into one of the infant rooms and immediately knew this was where SYT was supposed to be (since being at home in my arms isn't an option). The two teachers are wonderful and the other little ones in the room were darling and so curious about SYT. One of the little girls came over and gave him a kiss- it was too cute. Apparently she just loves "babies" (funny, because she's only 13 months- just a baby herself!). SYT starts Monday a.m. I know he'll be fine, but I'm still slightly nervous that he'll have a bad day (or week) and will get all off schedule. Ugggg.....hopefully it won't affect his nighttime sleep.
2. Last night my aunt, uncle, and three cousins had dinner here with us before heading up north for their vacation. It was wonderful to see them. Loud, crazy, and so much fun. We did bone in chicken breasts on the grill, pasta with pesto (our basil is out of control! Yea!), sauteed zucchini and squash, corn and tomato salad, and angel food cake with lemon curd and strawberries for dessert. YUM!
3. We picked our first tomato from our garden. It was a big one! We threw it into the corn and tomato salad and it tasted wonderful! Not at all mealy or soft.
4. Did I tell you we have raspberry bushes? We do and they are HUGE producers. Last week I made a raspberry pie and though the crust wasn't perfect, the raspberries were great. I had to make the pie with shortening instead of butter as I normall do. The crust was amazingly flakey, but shrunk in the oven and just not as perfect as I would have hoped. I'll try it again soon. Tomorrow night we have dinner club, and the theme is "Farm Fresh Flavors" (basically locally grown food). We're going to use the raspberries from our backyard to make a homemade raspberry vinagrette. I'll post a few recipes next week for various summer foods we've been enjoying.
5. B's parents were here all last week while I went back to work for the beginning of the week. We had an area in our backyard where we had ripped out yew bushes and it was just sitting empty until we figured out what full sun plant we wanted to place there. Well, B's dad ended up weeding the whole thing and filling it in with 7 hydrangea bushes and then mulched all around it. It looks amazing. I'll take pics to show you all soon. He did a fantastic job, and we're so appreciative.
6. B worked 2 1/2 days last week (the 2 1/2 days I didn't work). He is really liking his new job and it's keeping him very busy. I'm SO happy!! He seems to be doing really well there and has already found a few things to change in order to fix a few of the problems they've been having. I'm really proud of him, and he's so excited to be using his brain again.
7. I am NOT ready for my maternity leave to be over. While I love my job and liked going back last week (I felt so productive!), I'm really just not ready to leave Spence. Plus, how am I supposed to get everything done (groceries, work outs, errands, etc) now that I'm working 5 days a week and will want to come immediately home after work in order to get at least 3 hours in with my buddy before he goes down? Honestly, it's going to be a hard transition. We'll make it work, but it's going to be eye-opening!
8. I have over 400 unread items in my blogger. I hate feeling so behind. I have a feeling this is going to be a chronic problem between full-time work and mommyhood.
9. Tacos are a little weird without cheese! Other than that, dairy free is going pretty well this week :)
4 hours ago
I'm feeling a bit behind too on my reader :) No worries my dear, you've been busy! Glad you found a daycare, phew!
ReplyDeleteI am glad you found a good daycare! He will need to adjust but he will end up loving it. Lauren will age out of her daycare next month and she is very sad about it. Logan cries the days he isn't going. You will get into a groove with working and being a mom. It takes time but you will get there. I am always here to listen!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to B, how I missed that he has a job, I know not, but I'm thrilled for him and for you!
I am dying to know what other dinner club themes you have! I am hosting our dinner club next month...last one of the year and I feel like all the themes have been used up!
ReplyDeleteSo glad B is liking his job. I remember returning to work after a 12 week maternity leave with my oldest son. I was so sad and devastated. Fortunately I only had to teach for four more weeks and then had summer break. That little time back made my transition much easier that fall.
ReplyDeleteAs far as getting everything done it will all work out. I teach full time and have three boys ages 11, 8, an 4. I have the luxury of having the same time off as my boys. I definitely use my summer and breaks to try and get myself organized. Menu planning and keeping up with laundry are the two most important things IMO. I do have to admit that I have cleaning ladies that come every other week. That has helped so much to keep us organized. Good luck!
I hope SYT's first day of daycare was a success!!!!!