I mentioned previously that we were supposed to head to Charleston this weekend for a weekend away. However, after a lot of debate, we decided to push that trip off until the end of March 2011. There were a few reasons for this. One, once I started looking at all the menus at all the restaurants you guys recommended, I realized I couldn't eat ANYTHING on them. Southern food is known for butter, cream, cheese, etc. Who wants to go on vacation and not enjoy the food? Certainly not this girl. And dangit, I want my shrimp and grits!!! Also, with the whole "to wear sunscreen vs to not wear sunscreen" debate that occurs with infants, heading out to one of the islands for the day and beaching it wasn't really an option for us and SYT. We were able to get our plane tickets pushed off without penalty and get our hotel points back, so instead we're going to head down south for a week end of March/beginning of April and rent a condo on one of the beach islands. By then SYT will be mobile, and we think he'll love the beach and the waves. Even if it's still a little chilly, we can do long walks and dress a little more warmly but still play in the sand. Plus, by then I'm hoping my diet will be less limited!! Anyone want to join us then? We'd love to have other couples to spend some time with! Blogger meet-up?
Since we decided not to head down south, we're instead heading up north! I was really excited to pull out all the Lilly for one last wear and head to the beach with a big umbrella, but then I saw the weather forecast.
Friday: High of 66, Low of 54, partly cloudy
Sat: High of 59, Low of 54, rainy
Sunday: High of 64, Low of 53, sunny
Monday: High of 71, Low of 60, sunny
Not the best weekend for sundresses, swimsuits and sandals to say the least!!! I'm still taking my white jeans, a couple of summery sweaters I haven't really worn much, and my Jack Rogers (too bad for you, freezing toes!). I'm going to layer my summer colors and make the best of it.
Friday night we're headed out with friends for dinner/drinks. My mom is going to babysit SYT for us. Saturday we're going to try to hike with Junie and Spence before the rain hits and in the afternoon, we'll hunker down for some football!!!!!!!!!!!! I would feel incredibly guilty sitting inside watching Michigan play if the weather were gorgeous, but now I won't feel bad at all! Sunday B is hoping to get a round of golf in, and I'd like to head downtown to shop a bit and see if any of the end of summer sales have cute stuff left. I think we'll have a big family dinner at home that night. Monday we'll be off bright and early in order to get home, grocery shop, clean the house, work in the yard, etc. I always feel guilty leaving on the weekends b/c I know a lot of stuff gets left "undone" due to being gone and I hate having it all hang over my head. We really, really need to look at getting a cleaning lady twice a month with both of us working. I feel like such a house slacker, but I just don't have the time at the end of the day to do major cleaning. It's hard enough to get the dishes done, the bottles prepped, the garden watered, and the floors swept.
What are your weekend plans, girlies?? Hope it's lovely, whatever it may be!!!
1 hour ago
Love your blog! It's so cute :) I'm from Kalamazoo and love Michigan too! Go blue!
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited for a 3-day weekend!
ReplyDeleteI think you're making the right decision about your vacation. With the dieting and sunscreen thing, everything seems to point to putting it off until the Spring. Plus, we're smack dab in hurricane season and it sounds like the East Coast is going to get slammed within the next couple of days.
Hope you have a FABULOUS weekend!
Minnesota Girl
Latest Blog: http://girlfromthelandof10kl.blogspot.com/
Have fun in Michigan this weekend!!
ReplyDeleteCharleston in April...hmm that sounds fun...
Putting off the trip sounds like a good idea. Plus...isn't the hurricane supposed to hit???
ReplyDeleteThis seems like a good plan - you would be so bummed out if you had to drastically limit yourself. Plus, hello, GRITS. :) Northern Michigan will be fabulous - and seriously? I am DYING for that weather. Send some to Indiana, will ya?
ReplyDeleteThat sucks, but Charleston's not going anywhere. How's the dairy-free thing going? I'm dairy free right now as well. It was tough in the beginning but I'm used to it now. Though I do miss certain things! But I know it's not forever.
ReplyDeleteI will say I FEEL great though. I don't do dairy or gluten and my allergies are practically gone and I have so much more energy. But anyway, one thing that has become my saving grace is mayo. I miss the "creamy" stuff, so I use mayo in things to fill that void a bit. My favorite? Salsa with a little mayo mixed in. Sounds grody, but it's fab.
Have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteAnd Bestie- you add mayo to salsa? That sounds horrible!
Ah I'm going to miss the summery days of Lily dresses and Jack Rogers sandals! I've heard JAck Rogers has some new fall styles on their website though, which would be great to look into for us cold-weather girls! Hope the trip is fabulous!!
ReplyDeleteHopefully you won't even see this until Monday or Tuesday, that will mean the three of you are relaxing in a major way! I think you are wise to delay the trip to Charleston, major bummer, but probably very good idea.
ReplyDeleteSending you a big smile!
Hope it won't be as chilly as it was last weekend up north....BRRRR! However, it was fun to visit Petoskey, Harbor Springs, Bay Harbor, Glen Arbor, Suttons Bay, Leland ----oh, talk of these towns makes me wish I was heading back up north myself! ;)