1. SYT continued to have fevers all last weekend, so I stayed home on Monday and took him immediately to the doctors office in the a.m. Turns out he has a L ear infection, so he's on Amoxicillin (the pink bubblegum stuff) for 10 days. He also had to stay home on Tuesday with B b/c he had a fever again on Monday and you have to be fever free for 24 hours prior to going back to daycare. We are so lucky b/c he was such a happy sick kid. Still smiling, still playful. The only time it was hard was overnight as he had a horrible stuffy nose and cough, so he had a really hard time nursing and would wake up every 1.5-2 hours to eat b/c he never really got full from his 4 minute nursing sessions. He is SO much better now and slept for 10 consecutive hours last night. Thank you, God in Heaven. This is the first time he's slept that long since 3.5 months and it was much needed.
2. SYT's lovely bug seems to be attacking B and I together. We both had sore throats Friday, and today we woke up achy with continued sore throats, heavy chests, and low grade fevers. And even though we got tons of sleep last night, we're both exhausted. I currently have on leggings, jeans, a long sleeve shirt, a sweatshirt and slippers- and I'm still chilly even with the fire roaring. Ugggg.... I'm just praying I feel better by Monday b/c I really don't want to miss another day of work. Oh, and btw, I've worked with sick kids for 8 years now, so how is it that I got sick this time around????
3. Staying home with Spence on Monday was such a small life of heaven. I had a great time playing with him and getting so much done while he was napping. I will probably never be a stay at home mom full-time, but I really hope that in the future we can work it so that I can have one or two days off a week to just be a mom. I do really love my job, so this would be a great balance for me.
4. On Friday, while at work, I was able to tour the new children's hospital that opens 1.11.11. It was the absolute coolest thing I've ever seen in my life. I promise to take pictures one day b/c it's so worthy of a post. We are so lucky to have such a great benefactor in Helen DeVos, and I cannot wait to take B and SYT on community day. The surgical floor is beyond amazing, as is the lobby, and I know it will become a true place of healing for families.
5. Tomorrow night at church is the Fall Harvest Silent Auction. Our "basket" for the auction is 6 months of homemade baked goods for whichever family bids on it. Tomorrow's offering is going to be Caramel Apple Cinnamon Rolls and Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins. I really hope someone will like this idea! All the money raised goes towards the youth groups trips and activities.
6. Did I ever tell you that B's job as a contractor is no longer? It was supposed to go through December, but by the beginning of October they liked him so much and thought he brought so much to the table, that they hired him full-time! He was also able to design his own roll, and he is now that Director of Enterprise Integration. He is loving the new job and I am loving the fact that we won't have to stress over money or employment in December. He had to go through a ton of job interviews and a lot of setbacks to get to this place, and I firmly believe that God picked the right job and the right timing.
7. We put our garden to rest today. It was a VERY fruitful garden. I'll definitely do another post next spring on our failures and success and how we are going to remedy them, but one thing I will say right now is that if you plant tomatillos, they will take over your whole garden. We planted 6 plants and have had enough tomatillos to make vats and vats of green salsa. Next year, we'll only plant one :)
8. We hired a housekeeper for two Fridays a month, and it's really allowed me to destress. I wish we could have her every Friday (and, once we see how this goes, we may bump up to 3 Fridays a month). I really want to spend my weekends playing with SYT, hanging with B, being out and about, and relaxing. Cleaning always came in last place, and you could tell by the amount of dust that collected on our living room side tables :)
9. I am obsessed with my drive home these past few weeks. I have so many incredible views of the changing fall foilage, and it it incredibly beautiful. Just one of the many, many reasons that I love fall!!
I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend, and I hope you made it to the end of this very long post!!
Weekend Wish List
2 days ago
I got a little nervous when you said B's job is no longer...so thankful it is because he got hired full time. How amazing!!! Congrats to him!
ReplyDeleteJealous that you have beautiful fall leaves to look at everyday. I will have to go up to Central Park to appreciate the changes...