Tuesday, March 15, 2011

It's almost planting season!

This weekend I bought a bag of dahlia bulbs and ordered my zinnia packets.  Just 8 more weeks until planting season, and I am really starting to think about where each flower will go, where each veggie will flourish, and which old plants need to be replanted or just gotten rid of.  I'm really hoping that the hostas we planted at the end of the season last year will take off this summer, that my tulip bulbs will be bright and sunny additions and that our hydrangea bushes flower! 

Anyone else out there planning their gardens?  Any favorite gardening books or websites I need to be reading right now in preparation?


  1. We're ahead of you in planting season down here in the South, but I've found that the University of Georgia (yuck) has a great website for gardening/agriculture, and there's also a state sponsored one. You might have something similar up there through UM or the state. I'm also hoping our hostas come back! They haven't yet, but it's still pretty early. Our daffodils and crocus have come in and the tulips are about ready to open up. We need one more truck load of mulch and a couple new plants. We're thinking a camellia for late season flowering and green in the winter by the front porch where we tore out a perfectly good lantana bush that we thought was dead last year. And, I REALLY want some peonies. And dahlias. So pretty.

  2. Sounds like you are well on your way! You are inspiring me to start planning.

  3. This is too fun, I love your photos! We just got our seed order from Burpee, can't wait to see some blue Morning Glories! Can you believe it is *finally* nice?

    Sending you a smile,


Things I need to know......