Our beautiful hydrangea bushes are popping out flowers like champagne bubbles from a shaken bottle of bubbly. I'm not sure how it happened, but we have all three colors growing down our hill. Last summer I think we got two blooms total (we didn't plant them until July), and this summer.....POOF.....here they all come. So very pretty!!
These are just some of the blooms I cut last Friday. Still going strong on the kitchen table!
As you can see, my planter boxes and pots are doing well too!!
As for the edible stuff??
The lettuce is starting to come up
We have our first tomato
and our first pepper.
Our raspberry bushes (all that green stuff in front) are looking good and it looks like I'll have enough berries for two pies.
And our basil is growing like gangbusters! I made another batch of pesto tonight!!
I am hoping to find a gardening class or two to take this winter. I adore gardening (way more than I imagined I would, even the weeding!!), and I know there is so much more I need to learn. Has anyone taken a gardening class before? Or does anyone have a favorite gardening website or book?
I'll continue to post progress throughout the summer!