Thursday, December 16, 2010

Calling a size 6!!

Pretty please order this dress..............................................I love it, I want it, I unfortunately am not a size 6.

Ralph Lauren Blackwatch Plaid Strapless Dress

Let me know if you do get it, pretty please!!  I'll be drooling from afar!

Edited to add:  It exists in a 2 and a 4 for the same price, now go!!!!


  1. I think one of my boobs is a size 6. ha

  2. Thank you for posting this - just bought it! Um..was not expecting to buy....anything tonight, but I saw a similar dress on their site for over $200 and have wanted a tartan dress forever. Hope it fits!

  3. That size 2 is really tempting me! Oh, I can't is so cute!


Things I need to know......