1. B was gone for 4 days last week in AZ for a conference. He was able to play golf which he was so excited about and he thought the conference was very good from a work perspective. He also was able to get a few hours (split up over a few days) of beautiful, sunny vitamin D which all of us Northerners cherish.
2. It's HARD to be a single parent. One night it took Spence over an hour to fall asleep, he was crying, I was crying, I burnt my dinner, I broke a pyrex baking dish all over my kitchen floor which took me forever to clean up, I was frustrated being on different time zones than my husband whose days were packed with meetings, seminars, cocktails, and dinner, I was way behind on my to do list, work was (and is still) insane (thank you winter viral season), and I wasn't sleeping well in general. I definitely cried myself to sleep that night, those big gulping cries that make you not be able to breathe from all the snot you're producing and make you have a red, blotchy, ugly face. Yep, that was me. It was not pretty.
3. I woke up the next day feeling much better and realized that sometimes we just have days when we need to let it all out. It was one of those days for me. And that is totally okay!
4. We really didn't get to celebrate B's 33rd bday b/c of the craziness of that week though I did make him some downright delicious whoopie pies to take to work when he got back. They were a hit!!
5. My mom and Ralph are coming down this weekend to visit. It was my mom's birthday this week, B's last week, and Ralph's in two weeks, so I am in the process of making a Boston Cream Pie for dinner tonight and I'm taking them all to dinner tomorrow. I feel bad about the totally joint celebrations, but sometimes you just have to roll with what works best.
6. The painter finished up our family room (all pebble white), our basement (tan with pebble white trim), and Spencer's big boy room (3 walls of pebble white with one wall of blue). It's amazing what a fresh coat of paint, even if it is white, can do for a house. Worth every penny, I swear!
7. The carpenter is installing the built-in in Spencer's new room tomorrow. We've been waiting for a month for this and it's finally here!! We've got most of the rest of the room done and should be well on our way to finishing this weekend. I will definitely take pics and post them once we're satisfied. I still am on the hunt for a bedside lamp.
8. We have a crazy busy March ahead. Including 19 days straight of work for me (working two weekends in a row plus my normal full time schedule). There is lots of good in the month too with visits from friends and a trip to Columbus at the end of the month. I'm just praying we can get our long "must get done before the baby comes" list done on top of everything else. It's going to be tricky.
9. B and I are already counting down the days til Easter weekend. Not because we gave up ice cream and candy (it's really not too bad, though I woud love a black jelly bean or a piece of licorice right now) but because that means it's also MASTER'S weekend. I'm already wondering what Ian Poulter will wear, if Luke Donald will play well, what Tiger will do, and if my "husband" (aka Lefty, aka Phil) will win. Spencer is starting to really get "dolf" right now and will cheer if we cheer for good shots, wants us to turn on the tv to watch it, and plays with daddy's clubs in the family room. It's fabulous. We'd love to have a Master's party this year, but with our crazy busy March and a 36 week pregnant momma, I don't think we can pull it off. There's always next year, right?
10. It's supposed to be 50 degrees here today. Rainy and 50, but still..... I guess I'm ready for spring, but I really felt like we got gypped this winter with lack of snowfall, warmer temps than normal, and more mild days than ever. It's weird to think that spring is coming b/c I don't feel like we went through winter at all. It's just not as refreshing to have spring come since we didn't "suffer" enough this year. I know so many people are happy about this winter, and I know there is still a chance that March will be a snowy, wet, cold month so I shouldn't talk too much about this for fear of people thinking I'm truly crazy :)
Have a wonderful weekend, friends!!! I hope it's as wonderful as you all are!
Modern Kitchen with a Traditional Touch
7 hours ago
Love Love Love all things about dolf and that you could be tee'd up (couldn't help myself) to have a Masters Week baby!
Golfer? I hope you didn’t miss the Mayakoba Golf Classic this weekend. Everyone looked like they enjoyed sunny beautiful Mexico! Especially first time PGA Tour winner, John Huh. Final round wrap-up video right here: http://bit.ly/wjcQeZ