Friday, September 11, 2009

BIG games this weekend!!

Saturday at 2:30 Michigan and Notre Dame kick off in what should be a HUGE game for both teams. ND is ranked, UM isn't. Michigan had a HORRID season last year (B and I are still recovering), a win this week would be, not only a huge ego boost for the team, but something that could possible earn them a spot in the top 25 next week. While I'm not going to venture into top 10 territory this fall, I can hope for a winning season (and beating OSU would rock my world if they could possibly pull that off!)!! So, LET'S GO BLUE!!! Get em boys! Since I will be at work until 3 p.m., my darling B will be DVRing the game for us to watch together as soon as I get home!!

Also, if you are a Big 10 fan (or a USC fan, I suppose), Saturday night's game of the week is going to be another big game. Are you ready? I usually chose not to root for OSU, but will be a strong supporter on Saturday night. You have to root for the conference, right??

I hope all of your teams do well this weekend! Last week I was resenting fall, but this week have decided to embrace it, so bring on the football, the jeans, the boots, and the pumpkin flavored anything!!


  1. I am an Irish fan so I hope for a different outcome. ND didn't do too well last year either.

  2. I just got excited today when I went into a store and saw an amazing Vice sweater dress with a little patent leather belt. Too bad it was $325!

  3. Love college football and tomorrow's games will be great. Although, I bleed green & white, so "Go State"!

  4. Did I know that we have the same team??!?!!! The game yesterday was AMAZING - so much fun!!! GO BLUE!!!


Things I need to know......