Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I am thankful

For a loving husband

A precious son

A rambunctious Junebug

A roof over our heads

Steady paychecks from jobs that we love

An abundance of good food

Family, Friends, and Neighbors

Seasons that change

A God I can worship freely

I am truly blessed beyond belief.  I pray that all of you feel very blessed and very thankful on this day and all the days that follow.  I'm also extremely thankful for the blogger friendships that I have made over the past two years of blogging.  It's been a wonderful ride so far! 


  1. What a wonderful post! It is so important this time of year (and always), to remember the thing we are thankful for, as opposed to the things we want. Thank you for this wonderful reminder!

  2. Great post - you and I are on the same wave length today! Isn't this a wonderful time of year? Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  3. You are blessed woman!

    PS - your house is adorable!

  4. Well the house too!
    Happy Thanksgiving!


Things I need to know......