As you guys know, I work full-time which means SYT spends about 45 hours per week (uggg!!!) in daycare. Even though it's a ton of time spent away from him, I do feel extremely fortunate because the lead teacher (and his primary teacher) in the Duckling classroom is wonderful with him. She seriously has the biggest heart for children and is amazing with them developmentally. This fall the other aide in the room left to go to a center closer to her house, so Miss E spent two months as the only permanent teacher in the classroom. The center would flip flop teachers regularly so that there was always a sub in there, but she really had little consistent help.
I really want to do something special for her. She doesn't have a lot of money and she does have 4 kids (21, 20, 17, and 4). Part of me wants to do something really fun, like a gift certificate to a salon for any kind of spa treatment, but then the practical side of me says that I should do a GC to Meijer (for those non-midwesterners, it's a huge grocery store), Target, etc or to a restaurant where she could take all four of her kids out to dinner. Should practical win out here? If you really didn't have a lot of money (ie- she's never been to TARGET (!!) and she's never flown on a plane), would you rather have money that you could use for clothes, Christmas items, groceries, etc or b/ c she never does anything for herself, would you rather have something more impractical, like a massage?
I'd love to know your thoughts on this, and if you have any other ideas, please let me know. She just dotes on Spence, and I want her to know how much I appreciate her loving him!! Help a girl out, will you???
15 hours ago